Are These Mistakes Costing Your Association Memberships, Renewals, and Event Registrations?

Are These Mistakes Costing Your Association Memberships, Renewals, and Event Registrations?

« Technology | Written by KCampbell | | (0) Comments

Today’s Thursday. The day John picks up his kids from school. He pulls into the parking lot and realizes he’s early — a whole 5 minutes early. He thinks back through his day.

Oh yeah, I need to sign up for the holiday party the chamber of commerce is throwing.”

John takes out his phone, gets to the local chamber of commerce’s events page, but the page is only set up for desktop.

After scrolling and scrolling, 5 minutes passes in a flash. John’s kids, Aaron and Jacob, are now in the backseat exchanging jokes they heard during lunch period. “Signing up for the holiday party is going to have to wait”. John groans. Maybe later tonight he’ll register. Maybe Monday. Maybe …

Your members — like all of society — like John — are constantly seeking information from their smartphones. And they’re quick to click away from your site if it isn’t easy to navigate and doesn’t load within seconds.

The Greater the User Experience, the Greater the Results

A poor online user experience equates to poor results, while a seamless, intuitive user experience leads to greater results.

When members or prospective members come to your site, they do so to get information. They may also visit your site to become a member, renew their membership, or sign up for an event. You want them to be able to take action quickly and easily. The last thing you want is for them to scroll endlessly through pages, get frustrated, and abandon their transaction — like John.

Get on the Brand-wagon

Branding on your web pages is equally important as is ease of navigation and a mobile-friendly design. Your members already recognize and trust your brand, believe in your association, and stand behind its mission.

That means it’s critical to include your branding through and through on your website where members are taking actions like signing up for a new membership, paying their annual dues, or signing up for that holiday party.

Optimizing the Experience for 123Signup End Users

To improve the user experience, 123Signup’s enrollment, renewal, and registration application pages went through extensive user testing. Then based on data and feedback, the pages were redesigned to optimize navigation and make transactions, like renewing a membership, intuitive and simple. The result is a better user experience which translates into more memberships, renewals, and event signups for our clients.

And because branding is so important, we’ve expanded our page customization options. The application pages can be tailored to reflect the software users’ brands so that their end users — their members and prospective members — get a seamless online experience no matter what action they’re taking on your website.

Speaking of Brand …

You may have noticed that we refreshed our own brand. We’ve always been committed to delivering the most feature-rich and flexible AMS software on the market. We needed a logo — and fresh, clean, modern site — to reflect our evolution over time. Be sure to check out our site and let us know what you think by sending an email to [email protected].

123 … Takeaway!

1. Have a friend or family member — someone far removed from your organization — review your website. Is it easy for them to find where to go to renew? Can they find where your events are? Take their feedback into consideration to improve the user experience and improve your results.

2. Review your application pages. Do they adequately reflect your brand? This simple exercise could make all the difference from someone enrolling in your association or stopping dead in their tracks because the page doesn’t look like it’s part of your association or that it’s trustworthy.

Time to Take Another Look

Over the past several months, we’ve been hard at work redesigning our Enrollment, Renewal, Registration and Edit Profile application pages — with expanded options to reflect your brand. See how we can improve your members’ user experience — and improve your association’s results. Signup for a free personalized tour today!